Monday, May 11, 2009

What is the meaning of "Mis Quince"?

We have a heliuim balloon at my work which says "mis Quince" on it. I have not recommended the balloon to anyone yet, because I have no idea what it means.

What is the meaning of "Mis Quince"?
"mis quince" is short for "mis quince años" or "my 15th birthday" which is celebrated in Hispanic/Latino culture in similar fashion to a Sweet 16 party. (big celebration, banquet-style, often)
Reply:In Hispanic culture, for girls, the fifteenth birthday is very important. It marks her passage into womanhood. The most similar thing we have in American culture is a "sweet sixteen." Depending on the status of her family in the community and how well-off they are, these celebrations ("quinceañeras") can be quite elaborate, almost like a wedding. In Spanish, "Mis quince" refers to "my fifteen years."

This balloon is meant for a Hispanic girl who has turned/is turning fifteen years old.
Reply:mis quince is a girl that is having her quincera, her fifteenth birthday. in many hispanic countries it is one of the most important days of a young girls life. it is almost equilvant to an sweet sixteen.
Reply:"My fifteenth (birthday)" Also called Quinceanera. It's the Sweet Sixteen equivalent in Mexico (and other Spanish-speaking cultures). A coming-of-age celebration for 15-year old females.

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